Deze week ontving ik de nieuwsbrief van Christina (de vier boeken over haar en van haar zijn aanraders!) en ik geef hier graag de inhoud hiervan weer:
We shouldn’t wait to do those things
we would be able to do to bring more light,
love and consciousness to the Earth because of hoping,
for example, that someone will save us.
It takes every one of us.
We often hear about people who are afraid
because of what’s said in prophecies and
think that everything will happen as described.
Many events that have been prophesied have come true.
But just as many have not.
There are a great many different prophecies
concerning the future
and not all of them are wonderful.
But which ones come true and which ones don’t
has a lot to do with us as the human collective.
We human beings are not dependent on prophecies,
the prophecies are dependent on us.
Events change depending on the overall consciousness
in the human collective.
Your Christina